A Girl & A Gun

Starting in the mid 1990’s, a group of mostly retired shooters began meeting every Wednesday morning, shooting paper targets and comparing results. To make things a little more interesting and fun, they decided to design a match using swinging targets on metal frames with NRA rimfire rifle silhouette targets. Later they added a set of rimfire pistol and center fire pistol targets. These targets require no resetting. All matches are shot offhand.
Moving forward to today, they are still mostly retired shooters who have affectionately dubbed themselves “The Old Farts”; however, they welcome any member, any age, any gender. Matches start about 9:30AM and conclude around 12:30PM. After completion of the matches, most of the shooters go to a local restaurant for a casual lunch and discussion of the day.
They meet every Wednesday, rain, shine, hot or cold with two exceptions: (1) if the entry road is icy and( 2) if Christmas falls on Wednesday.
This is a fun shoot, with no entry fee and no prize other than bragging rights. Lots of knowledge to share and world issues solved.